Sales Cold Calling AIs Probably Aren’t a Long-Term Thing

At least every other week, I get asked about AI sales cold calling software and which one is best.  I haven’t tried them, and I respond honestly in that, but then I add that I don’t think they’ll work. Imagine you’re running a sales organization, and you want to sell more, but you don’t want…More

The 50% of AI

Recently, I published the audiobook for AI as your Teammate, which I recorded using AI. I started by paying around $40 to clone my voice. The audio I sent the company was terrible. Just absolutely terrible. It sounded like I was recording my voice from across a room.  They cleaned up the audio and really…More

“All Feedback is a Gift”

In conversation, someone said to me, “All feedback is a gift.” I couldn’t disagree more. Feedback, at its most basic nature, is someone else giving you their opinion on a thing with the intention of helping you. However, framed in the manner of an opinion, no matter the intention, I find the framing of the…More

Confidently Wrong

ChatGPT seems to be an interface moment for language-generation AI.  Everyone is talking about it. Sure, there are a few companies worth over $1B combined that do AI for marketing copy, but ChatGPT seems to be captivating even the most non-technical people. I experimented with ChatGPT to write sports articles. I gave it the following…More

Strategic Spending

A book titled “Double Your Profits in 6 Months or Less,” which I have not read, had a section posted on Twitter. It discussed strategic and nonstrategic costs. Explained briefly, a strategic cost is an expense that adds to the bottom line.  Examples would be advertising that works, salespeople, R&D that you can commercialize. A…More

B2C Becomes B2B

Print media’s hay day was when you they made money on both sides of the equation. Readers subscribed to the paper, and advertisers paid to advertise in it. Then, Google came along.  Print media was the original industry to monetize B2C and B2B. The free + ads model is pervasive in today’s world.  Facebook and…More

GitHub Copilot

Ever since I got really interested in technology, I’ve wondered what it was like for the early tech pioneers to use a computer for the first time.  What sort of magic did they feel? I feel similarly about the internet.  Story after story of people remembering the first time they used the internet.  Those times…More

The Future of Print Journalism

Print Media had a hay day between the invention of the printing press and the internet.    There were so many advertisers that newspapers were designed beginning with the ads first.  The ads were laid out on the pages, then the editorial content filled in the gaps.   “All the news that’s fit to print” was actually…More

Once in a Generation Opportunities

It seems like every day over the last few weeks I’ve received a notification that another growth stock is down 5%, 10%, or more.  Cathie Wood’s Ark Innovation Fund sends out a weekly email outlining their positions in stocks that go up or down 15% in a single day, and most of those stocks have…More

Inspiration is highly perishable

I find inspiration to be highly perishable. It’s a short-term high.  It briefly, momentarily, kicks me into high gear with all sorts of vim and vigor, but, like a child who ate too much candy, it crashes.  Then, it’s gone forever, and you’re left with “real life.” When I sense those moments, I do everything…More