Sales Cold Calling AIs Probably Aren’t a Long-Term Thing

At least every other week, I get asked about AI sales cold calling software and which one is best.  I haven’t tried them, and I respond honestly in that, but then I add that I don’t think they’ll work. Imagine you’re running a sales organization, and you want to sell more, but you don’t want…More

The bull case for Meta

Meta is doing a lot more right than they are wrong.  While they were hammered in the market in 2021 and 2022, I think their future, especially in an AI-future, is far stronger than their past.  Like in the Bull Case for Apple, I think there are 3 drivers for Meta’s future.  Obviously, a TikTok…More

The bull case for Apple

Tech X (Twitter) is, seemingly every other week, dunking on Apple.  First, they were behind to the large language model (LLM) game.   “Where is Apple?” Twitter was asking.   Open AI is publishing models. Amazon has models. Facebook has models.  Microsoft has models. Google has models.  Where are Apple’s models? Then, now two months…More

The 50% of AI

Recently, I published the audiobook for AI as your Teammate, which I recorded using AI. I started by paying around $40 to clone my voice. The audio I sent the company was terrible. Just absolutely terrible. It sounded like I was recording my voice from across a room.  They cleaned up the audio and really…More

“All Feedback is a Gift”

In conversation, someone said to me, “All feedback is a gift.” I couldn’t disagree more. Feedback, at its most basic nature, is someone else giving you their opinion on a thing with the intention of helping you. However, framed in the manner of an opinion, no matter the intention, I find the framing of the…More

Tech & Everyone Else

In the early days in tech, there were two kinds of tech companies: companies like Intel, who made memory and semiconductors for tech companies like Apple to integrate into their products, and companies like Apple, who built technology and sold it to everyone else. Clients for most of the tech industry were people and businesses…More

The Economics of Being a Digital Nomad

I neglected to write this essay for months because it didn’t meet my criteria for an essay.  It was neither pushing the limits of my thinking nor was it a topic of which I felt my opinion could be novel and valuable.((The first version of this was written in early December, 2022, then put on…More

Confidently Wrong

ChatGPT seems to be an interface moment for language-generation AI.  Everyone is talking about it. Sure, there are a few companies worth over $1B combined that do AI for marketing copy, but ChatGPT seems to be captivating even the most non-technical people. I experimented with ChatGPT to write sports articles. I gave it the following…More

Strategic Spending

A book titled “Double Your Profits in 6 Months or Less,” which I have not read, had a section posted on Twitter. It discussed strategic and nonstrategic costs. Explained briefly, a strategic cost is an expense that adds to the bottom line.  Examples would be advertising that works, salespeople, R&D that you can commercialize. A…More

“World-Changing Technologies”

I did a few business minors in college.  Seemingly, in every course except for finance, accounting, and industrial design,((ironically, the three courses I either liked the best or learned the most in)) we did case studies on up-and-coming companies.  At the time, two of the most done case studies were Uber and Airbnb.  All those…More